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Response to A crazy idea about combining film developers

from Sam (sselkind@home.com)
Kevin, you ask a question that has raised some silly answers and some serious ones. In fact, I have been using a blend of Xtol and Rodinal for the past year with great results. I found Xtol lacked a little snap but I liked its grain, and Rodinal had the famous rough grain but I liked its tonal qualities. So first I tried using them in series (not satisfactory) and then I tried blending them (very satisfactory). I find I get a great tonal qualtiy, nice contrast, good highlight detail and good enough shadow detail. Grain on 35mm is fine enough that Tri-X enlargers easily to 11x14 without coarse grain. Delta 100 in 120 is wonderful. So I don't think your idea is crazy. The film/developer combination you use depends on what you're after.
(posted 8611 days ago)

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