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Delta 400, Plus-X and FP-4 Plus in PMK

from Jim MacKenzie (photojim@yahoo.com)
I developed my first rolls of Kodak Plus-X and Ilford FP-4 Plus in PMK the other day. I had really good luck with Tri-X in PMK and was expecting to succeed again.

I was surprised at how different the films looked.

I shot the FP4 at ISO 125 and the Plus-X at EI 80, per the recommendations of Anchell's Film Development Cookbook. Development was at 21 degrees for 10:00.

The FP4 negatives are pretty good, perhaps slightly underdeveloped (or underexposed). There are some areas of good density. Base fog is very low. Staining is quite high but not as high as with Tri-X.

The Plus-X negatives were very odd. The density is much greater. Staining was very high. Unfortunately, there's a very noticeable base stain as well, absent in the FP4.

The Delta 400 negatives were the most disappointing. I developed this film for 12:30 @ 21 degrees. I was worried that the pyro stain would not be very strong, but it is fine. However, the actual developed silver image is quite faint. The majority of the image seems to be formed by the stain. (This is what I was expecting when I first used pyro.) After development, the used developer was extremely dark. (It was more like rusty water with the other films, but in this case it was nearly opaque.)

I have yet to print any of them.

Your experiences with these films would be welcome.

(posted 8698 days ago)

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