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Response to ISO Rating and dev times for Kodak High Speed Infrared

from John Lehman (al7jj@yahoo.com)
For development, D-76 or Rodinol 1:50 for 12 minutes at 20C. Kodak recently changed their recommendations for D-76, and suggests 9-11 minutes.

Exposure depends on how you meter, the response of your meter to IR, etc. Select an EI which gives you 1/50 at f/16 around noon on a sunny summer day (1/50 at f/11 for a sunny winter day if you are north of about 30 degrees) and bracket from there.

FWIW, my EI on a Nikon with a #25 filter is 200; on a handheld meter 50. Your mileage will probably vary.

(posted 8699 days ago)

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