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Pan F+ vs APX 25

from Bob Atkins (bobatkins@hotmail.com)
Now that APX 25 is getting harder to find and will soon be impossible, can anyone comment on the similarities and differences with Pan F+. I've not shot any Pan F+ and I'm wondering whether to get out there and buy up and freze a bunch of APX 25 if I can find it, or whether to make the switch to Pan F+. I know only I can decide that and I have some Pan F on order to test, but I'd be interested in other people's experience.

T really don't think I want to go to Tech Pan. I've never been that happy with it (probably my fault, I think it's a film you have to work with for a while to get the best out of it), plus it's significantly more expensive than Pan F.

I'm working in 35mm BTW, so issues of grain and sharpness are important for the applications I'd put APX25/PanF to. I'd guess in MF and LF they would be less so.

(posted 8594 days ago)

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