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Response to Favourite PMK Pyro films

from Dave Aharonian (daharonian@direct.ca)
I've been using Tri-X Pan in both sheet film an well as 120. I find it stains very well in Pyro (I rate it at 250). I experimented with HP5 and despite what Gordon Hutchings says, I seem to like TXP better. (although, I intent to use some more HP5 and give it an honest chance. - I just really like TXP) In 120 I have been using Ilford Pan F with outstanding results. The film is incredibly sharp and seems to stain very well. I rate it at 32.

For stop bath I'm using a very weak solution of Kodak stop bath.

Fix is Ilford Universal paper fix, which is non-hardening.

Filmn is washed for 30 minutes in running water.

I print on a Saunders 4500 enlarger with a VCCE head.

For sheet film I develop in trays (one sheet per tray - tedious but well worth it). Roll film is in Patterson tanks.

(posted 8645 days ago)

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