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Response to Rodinal

from John Rountree (j.rountree@usa.net)
You can use Rodinal long after the color begins to darken. However, after using Rodinal as my exclusive film developer for more than 20 years I have realized that the something in the formula has changed (and not for the better.) It used to be that as Rodinal aged it would darken, but if you looked closely in good light you coulad see little rod-like "crystals" floating in the developer. Now, those crystals are gone. Also, it used to be that old Rodinal worked as well as new Rodinal, but now I have seen a pronounced fogging (density increase) of the film base when using Rodinal that is more than six months old but less than a year old. Rodinal is a great developer but I am just not too sure that today's Rodinal is exactly the same as it used to be.
(posted 8959 days ago)

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