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Response to Availability of 2 bath developers in Kodak's Technidol and XTOL

from Pete Andrews (p.l.andrews@bham.ac.uk)
Wolfram, the classic Windisch developer was only meant to be stored as a two part solution. The instructions state that parts A and B should be mixed a short time before use.
The formula I have is:
Part A:
Pyrocatechine ------12.5 gm
Sodium Sulphite ---- 80 gm
Water to ------- 1 litre
Part B:
Sodium Hydoxide ----- 60 gm
Water to ------- 600 cc.
The working solution is made by taking 25 cc of part A, 15 cc of part B, and making up to 1 litre with water.
(posted 8576 days ago)

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