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Response to how/could I process color film using black and white processing?

from Duane K (dkucheran@creo.com)
In a fit of insomnia I dug thru a book on photographic processes. While it doesn't detail C-41 in particular, it says that the color negative's orange cast is caused by the combination of the uncoupled dyes of the two lower layers (yello & cyan?) (The direct quote is much longer & I'm going from memory) I believe this to mean that the orange mask is not present where there was exposure and subsequent dye coupling, but I could be wrong.

I still couldn't find the sample of C-41 film I developed in B&W chemicals. I seem to remember that it didn't have any color at all - I had hoped for something weird and wonderfull but ended up with a less than sharp B&W negative. It's possible it faded away and so I turfed it.

Terry, let's hear what your books have to say.


(posted 8539 days ago)

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