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Response to Jobo-Which one?

from DK Thompson (kthompson@moh.dcr.state.nc.us)
Steve, sorry that my answers caused the topic to drift so. My gut reaction (again I am not a Jobo user) would be that if you are only going to be doing b&w, and that's all you ever think you will do, then why pay for the extra control? Unless of course this cooling solenoid can actually function in a water-chilling capacity. This might be nice if you live in are with not so cold tap water, and you are trying to run a water jacket in the summer time. I suspect it has more to do with E6/C41 proc. though. One thing to think about is whether or not you'd be limiting yourself in some way, if you did decide to run color someday. Hope this helps, and no more comments from me on this one..
(posted 8621 days ago)

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