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What is the sinistar secret?

from Aaron Pieper (apieper@vt.edu)
Sinistar looks FUN! A friend recommended it and Sinistar is amusing to listen to. And I played it the other day but the little ship is not doing what I tell it to!

Example scenario! My ship is travelling up, and I want to go left. I press "left", then the ship points diagonally UP and LEFT. No matter how much I press "left", the ship does not point any more left! In order to travel left I must press "down" for a small amount of time. If I press "down" for too long I end up facing diagonally DOWN and LEFT! So it is a controlling catastrophe.

My question, I guess, is: Is my controller malfunctioning? Does MAME not fully support Sinistar? Or was the original controller, like, really complicated? Is there a way to fix it? I want to play this game, I really enjoy similar games, like Time Pilot, but I can't put up with the hideous control.

Also! If you have not read Bob The Angry Flower, there are two comics which feature Sinistar, and they are pretty funny, although a bit difficult to understand, much like Sinistar himself. http://www.angryflower.com/returno.gif http://www.angryflower.com/coffee.gif

(posted 8704 days ago)

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