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Response to What happened?

from DK Thompson (kthompson@moh.dcr.state.nc.us)
Well, okay. I'll buy the fact that maybe the chem. had gone bad, but I've also mixed up Dektol and D76 that has had huge chunks of brick like clumps in it, where you have to mash it up with a stirring paddle...almost like just about half the batches of E6 bleach that we get from Kodak too. But, as I said, I'll buy the scenario that the XTOL was bad from the start... BUT, the developing with only half the solution in the tank, would only work providing you were using an inversion method of agitation...the developer has to get up there somehow??? Most people probably turn the tank over to agitate, but I've seen some weird techniques before...
(posted 8508 days ago)

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