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Response to Developing black and white film with kids

from Doug McFarland (junquemail222@yahoo.com)
I've been thinking about photography with youth for some time now, although I haven't tried it with cub scouts. I definately would go for it. I think you have a lot of options. One is to buy some orthochromatic sheet film, it's not red sensitive, so you could process at night in a darkened room, using only red flashlight filters. This way the images could be pulled when processing in an old dish when complete. Don't worry about temperature, just keep the chemistry at room temperature, it'll work fine.

Or you could just process the film in the coke cans. I'm sure a weaker solution of D76 that would fill the can would be sufficient to develop the film. Over development is fine. Then stop in water, and fix. I've read that you can process film in strong coffee, but haven't tried it.

Investigate POP paper, Azo might work I don't know. Printing Out Paper needs sunlight to expose the image. You put the film on the paper and hold it down with a piece of glass, check on it at regular intervals to see if it's "done". Then fix.

I think there are a lot of possibilities that the cubs could do themselves. After all, the kids won't be into image quality so it won't bother them if the image isn't exposed or printed perfectly. Just make it fun :-)

Send me private email if you want more ideas.


(posted 8604 days ago)

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