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Response to Development Chart 5 - Agfa APX 100

from Jim (p645n@hotmail.com)
Finally I’m able to add my two bits worth. I use a lot of Rodinal @ 1+100. I got an initial starting time for that developer and several different films from a 10 year old Agfa data sheet. The interesting thing about the times is that they are all 15 minutes or 20 minutes...for every film...what makes the system work is the ISO you shoot the film at...is this the “real ISO” for the film using that particular developer? APX 100 & Rodinal Agfa APX 100 @ 100 in 68 degree Rodinal @ 1+100 for 20 minutes. 10 -15 gentle complete inversions in the first 30 seconds, then 1 inversion every 30 seconds for the remaining time. I process using plastic Paterson tanks. I meter out the Rodinal in a syringe 3mls. of Rodinal to 300 MLS. of 68 degree water. The resulting negs print wonderfully in my diffusion enlarger. When I was using a condenser enlarger I was rating the film at ISO 80. Using the syringe is important...there is very little difference between 3mls and 4 MLS when you use a beaker to measure...yet the difference between the two solutions produce drastic differences. I use 68 degrees so that I can achieve maximum compensating effect with the developer. And the single inversion every 30 seconds is important because my highlights blow out if I over agitate. When I process my APX100 as I’’ve described it sings for me. The tone is wonderful. And the grain is very smooth. Sharp you may ask? It’’s sharp as a serpents tooth. This combination works equally well in 35 mm or in 120 (although with the 120 it’s 5mls of Rodinal to 500 MLS of water for each roll of film). Ed...please feel free to amend this as you see fit...jim
(posted 8490 days ago)

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