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Response to Paper Development Chart - Kodak AZO

from Sean yates (yatescats@yahoo.com)
You can develop Azo in any developer you choose provided it is appropriate for conventional silver developing out paper- Dektol, Selectol-soft, Agfa Neutol, Ansco 130 etc. etc. etc. Even the Clayton developers Freestyle sells. Kodak includes information in the box of paper or you can get it on their site.

http://www.kodak.com/global/en/professional/support/techPubs/g10/g10.s html

Here are some excellent articles on using Azo:




Use the usual stop and fix (I prefer a non-hardening one) and safelight you would with any B&W paper. Handle it with care as it is single weight. This is one paper you will pretty much HAVE to use your bare hands to develop. I agitate by turning the paper over in the tray. You could rock it as well if you prefer.

Exposure will require an intense light source. How intense depends on its proximity to the paper and the density of your negative. I have used everything from 25 watt reflector floods to 500 watt clear uncoated bulbs.

It has been my experience that Dektol produces a bluish tone with Azo. Agfa Neutol has recieved positive recommendations from various folks on-line, but I have yet to try it. Any of the Amidol-like developers that Photographers Formulary sells are worth investing in.

(posted 8479 days ago)

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