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Response to Film recommendation needed please

from Volker Schier (Volker.Schier@fen-net.de)
You will not get any infrared effect without using infrared film. Even the so called near infrared like the Ilford film you mention (there is also a similar AGFA film) will not give you much of an effect. The HP5 definitly will not reach into the IR spectrum. The new MACO infrared film is supposed to be very good, much better then the very grainy Kodak, which is also hard to handle. I heard from a friend that the best developer for true IR films is Tetenal Emofin, since it will compensate a lot and will make most of the shots usable, which is not the case with XTol or D76, since you have to expose using a trial and error method. Not the problem: With a true IR film faces will be entirely white with really NO detail at all! You should think about this, since for the scene you describe facial characterstistics seem necessary.
(posted 8549 days ago)

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