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Response to Banned games list updated! (bout time Gameboy!)

from BeeJay (mamester@i4free.co.nz)
Actually Traverse USA is probably a bad choice to be angry about as the game gets no harder after the 3rd time through.


1st time through 500cc and 1st place is relatively easy to get. 2nd time through 1000cc and 1st place is difficult to get. 3rd time through 1500cc and 1st place is nigh on impossible to get.

However, if you simply concentrate on keeping your fuel levels up and not trying to get 1st place then you can keep completing the 1500cc levels for as long as your stamina and lack of numerous mistakes lasts.

ie: Millions are possible on this game if desired once you learn where the fuels are coming on the off-road sections.

Cheers, BeeJay.

(posted 8638 days ago)

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