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Response to Highest resolution B&W film (+ dev) other than Tech Pan?

from Bob Atkins (bobatkins@hotmail.com)
Assuming Delta 100 and/or Tmax 100 are the highest resolution "normal" (i.e. easy to find and process) films, what would be the developer in which they would yield the best resolution?

The Ilford site suggests Ilfotec HC (which I think is the same as Kodak HC-110) for maximum sharpness, while the Kodak site gives resolution and MTF data for D-76 (I assume they'd pick whichever developer gave the best results). Elsewhere on the Ilford site however, they cite Infosol-S, ID11 and Microphen as givening higher sharpness than HC. I know sharpness does not equal resolution in a technical sense, but I'm still a bit uncertain as to what Ilford are saying here.

I note that Ilford don't recommend DD-X and Kodak don't give film resolution info for development in Tmax developer, so I assume these tabular grain developers don't yield the highest resolution (though they may give less grain and better tonal properties?).

Any comments?

(posted 8538 days ago)

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