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Response to Problems with developing Please Help !!

from Scott Walton (f64sw@hotmail.com)
Sam, It sound like you are underdeveloping... being that the printing on the spockets are thin also. Try increasing your time by 20% to start. If your negs look better, this is close to your new time. 1:14? What developer are you using? If it is ID11, to my recollection, it is a dilution of 1:1. I would say do a clip test... go out and shoot a roll of the same subject including sun, and deep shadows. Shoot the whole roll. When you get ready to develop, a clip test is the process of "clipping" a small portion of the roll, maybe 5 frames or so, and developing that at N (normal development). The next clip, after looking at the first set and determining what you have to do next, develop N+1 (+20% of your last time) and so on. Testing is a must to find out your "normal" time for your setup. After you do all your tests, pull a print to see what prints the way you want, having detail in the shadows and highlights. You may have to cut back on your processing time or boost it some more. This is a must for our life. Everytime you change a new film or development... testing is a must. Hope this helps to start you on your way. Cheers, Scott
(posted 8435 days ago)

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