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Response to X-tol dillutions

from Jim Vanson (p645n@hotmail.com)
Kodak states _you must_ use at least 100mls of stock XTOL per 80 square inches of film (one roll of 35mm or 120). I use at least 125mls of stock. Since XTOL was released I've probably processed enough film to have used 50 5 Liter packages of the developer. And none of those packages have caused me any grief! I still use 1+3 dilutions as often as I can. I dilute because of increased sharpness, increased film speed and economy! Maybe my sucess is due to the fact that I'm using _at least_ 125mls. of stock per unit, or that the stock is never more then a few weeks old, maybe it's the 5 Liter packages or it could be it's the good mountain water up here in Vancouver that I use to mix the developer with. Regardless I'll continue to use dilute XTOL following the spec's in Kodak's April 1998 Technical Data Sheet...jim
(posted 8535 days ago)

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