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Response to Fine grain film/new fuji 100

from Pete Caluori (pcaluori@hotmail.com)
Greetings Gert,

I can't comment on the Fuji films, but I use both Delta 100 and Pan F+. Both of the Ilford films are very good and work well in Xtol. Choice of either of these films will depend on your application and preferences. If you're shooting in 35mm and are concerned with grain, then Pan F+ would be the film of choice. In Xtol it is capable of producing 11x14's that lack grain. Delta 100 is almost as good. Both Delta and Pan F produce a nice tonal scale. If your processing methods are not that consistent, you may find Pan F to be better. Delta will perform, but your processing controls should be tighter.



(posted 8424 days ago)

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