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Response to B/W Transparency Film

from Michael S. Briggs (michaelbriggs@earthlink.net)
AFAIK, Agfa Scala is conventional B&W film sold specifically for the purpose of making B&W transparencies. The price includes processing. Check out Agfa's web site: http://www.agfaphoto.com/products/scala200.html Polaroid makes some 35mm "instant" transparency films for the purpose of making presentations. They develop in a small machine. Kodak makes a Direct Positive Film Developing Outfit for TMax 100 film: see http://www.kodak.com/cluster/global/en/professional/support/techPubs/j87/j87.shtml

There are directions on the web for compounding your own reversal processing solutions, e.g., http://www.mjd.u-net.com/photos/bwtrans.htm and http://user.berlin.de/~christoph.manz/photo/process/slides.txt

(posted 8423 days ago)

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