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Response to Infrared filters

from Gene Crumpler, NC, USA (nikonguy@att.net)
I believe the quantary R2 is the same as a 25A. Kodak HIE will give very pronounced IR "wood effect" with the dark red filter. Be sure to photography in bright sun to get the max effect with the R2. My experiments with MACO indicates that the 25A gives no IR effect. I'm using a Hoya R72 to get the IR effect. FWIW.

Set your camera meter at 300 and develop the film like Plus-x. Also bracket+/- 2 stops for each shot. Be prepared for long exposure times when printing. Don't forget to reset the focus on the lens to the IR mark or if you do not have a mark, move the focus distance to the F5.6 DOF marker on the lens.

(posted 8507 days ago)

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