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Response to How do you record Qix properly?

from Joe Ledesma (JoeyL21988@yahoo.com)
Darn, you've got me pinned. :) Yea, I am pretty good at Sinistar, i've been playing around since the age of 3 (yea, in the cockpit version baby!, I started playing Bosconian for the first time in Nov. 2000). Highest score in the Arcades was about 600K a few years ago and i usually got around 300-400K average. Haven't been able to play it since i have a damn slow computer. :( But once I get enuf money (round March) I was wanting to buy a Bosconian machine (the RARE one, which is the 'Bosco' rom) and build a new computer (whatever Athlon is out there around that time). Nice to see you back and playing. Whoopa! ;)
(posted 8567 days ago)

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