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Response to 6X6 obsolete??

from Melvin Bramley (bramley@nanaimo.ark.com)
WOW. I did not expect so much feed back. The question was a little tongue in cheek as I have both 35mm & 6X6 cameras. The answers to the question are however quite interesting. I was surprised & happy to see that no one went the "buy better lenses or camera route". I have however an observation & some additional information that may or may not keep this subject open. Over the last year I have changed the film I use plus the film developer I use. The change is for the better so I continued to experiment by increasing the dilution of the developer with yet further improvements. It have also changed my camera. The new camera is capable of making 1/4 step adjustments to the shutter speed.So I have have to ask myself; Is the improvement to my negatives/prints because of the film/developer combination or is it because of better exposure accuracy? or both? Cartier Bresson (who used 35mm) is quoted as saying. A good photo is made above all by the correct exposure. Ansel Adams (L.F) went to great effort to refine his exposure techniques. Years ago I read an article by Howard Bond (LF) in a magazine & scoffed at his use of using f32 Plus 1/3 to make an exposure. Why plus 1/3 I asked myself! I think I now have the answer, It does make quite a difference. As to how close can we get with 35mm to 4X5? If yet another old darkroom magazine is to be believed then we can be very close. The article used some slow films,Tech Pan,PanF etc at EI,s of 12 or so & the results were very close to using 4x5 Tri X. They did however say that to achieve such results then we must work much as we would using LF such as "presise exposure" & carefull processing.
(posted 8461 days ago)

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