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Response to Chromogenic C41 B&W

from RICHARD ILOMAKI (richardjx@hotmail.com)
Re processing of XP2, I do the same as John except I stand and watch while the nice young, untrained, minimum-wage people (mis)handle the film. When I see them holding the neg flat or swinging it arund like a flag, I quickly advise them of the error of their ways and dire, dreadful consequnces to them if they do not stop and hand it over to me immediately, so I can take a pair of scissors and cut it to length myself.

I am a source of amusement at some local labs here, but they really go OOHH AAHH when they see a lot of my photos.

If I have a bit more time, I buy C-41 kit and soup'em myself- relatively easy but it takes a couple of hours, but then I have no one to blame but myself for any scratches.

I have written to Kodak and Others about teh quality control( and lack of same) at minilabs that carry their name, but all they do is shrug and say they try their best.

If you think it is bad in the US, Canada or Europe, try Thailand, China or Indonesia!!! I often get the negs processed locally as I do not like to carry the film too many times through the X Ray systems at sloppily run airports.

I you find a Pro lab, they usually understand and the operators wear cotton gloves and do not wave the negs around or grasp them like a bundle of noodles, but these are not 15 Min locations, nor are they cheap. Pay your money and take your choice.


(posted 8376 days ago)

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