Hi there,(posted 8542 days ago)Is it possible to confirm the 111-0 score for Tehkan World Cup? This score breaks all the previous records. Scores per match: 25-0, 22-0, 22-0, 11-0, 10-0, 11-0, 10-0.
The zip file which includes the input file plus some other helpful information can be found at:
Please note that it was recorded without sound! Also, defaults settings are used in this file.
This file can also be found by going to the "INPs" section of the TWC site (www.powerstrike.net) My username in MARP is "pch" and my nickname "kastellorizo"
I have tried unsuccesfully to send email at zwaxy@bigfoot.com... If you need anything else, please send me an email!
Thank you in advance,
Peter CH