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Response to xtol 1+3

from David Vogt (david.vogt@ncmail.net)
I used Xtol 1:3 for several years with great results (I've never experienced Xtol failure). However, what I did experience (starting in the summer of year 2000) was Xtol 1:3 "trashing" my negatives. I started getting little bits of what looked like metal flakes all over my 35mm TMX negatives. I was mixing the Xtol in distilled water and I am very careful with my film processing, so I figured it was a problem either the film or developer. I called professional support at Kodak and they said the problem was the 1:3 dilution and if I used it straight or at 1:1 I wouldn't have this problem anymore. I never went back. My bad experience with Xtol cost me days of negatives and I was/am afraid it will happen again.
(posted 8163 days ago)

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