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Response to Black & White film processing

from Carl Crosby (humminboid@aol.com)
For a complete neophyte, my recommendation would be:1)Take a basic photo class from your local high school or college. Your learning curve will be greatly increased, and you will have a good foundation for going further. 2) Pick one good film (it doesn't matter what it is, just don't change it till you are sure you know how to get it to perform to your satisfaction.) Any of the major manufacturers produce marvelous film. 3)Pick a Standard developer from one of the majors, and use it till you know its characteristics. The same goes for darkroom chemistry, papers, etc., etc. Everyone has his/her own opinion, but learning to use what you have, or know will result in better work and more satisfaction overall. It doesn't matter what you use.
(posted 8368 days ago)

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