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Response to Vignetting problems with Magnifax 4

from Frederik Boone (frederik.boone@harol.be)
Hello Fabio, Probabely there is something wrong with your lens, I had simular problems with my new componon-s 50/2,8. I did not notice it for quite some time until I made a 12x enlargement of a negative which was completely sharp but had one corner unsharp and it was lighter too. I was also convinced that it was my enlarger, in my case it was an old Leitz focomat. After working on my enlarger for several hours and not finding any problem with it, I tried an other lens, an old leitz focotar and everything was sharp again. That lens was replaced under warrenty. The serial nr. of that lens was 14665804, probabely a bad production serie. Or your lamp is probabely a bit out of the center. Some enlargers can change the position of the lamp. When doing this, remember your lens is putting the immage upside down. So if your upper right corner has not enough light, you have to move your lamp to the left down. I hope it helps you, Frederik
(posted 8361 days ago)

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