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Response to Vignetting problems with Magnifax 4

from Fabio Giacuzzo (giacuzzo@elettra.trieste.it)
Many Thanks, to Trevor, to Frederick, and to Volker, may be that the cause will be the lens, anyway I tested others two type of them: one 80 mm., and one 105mm. all with proper condensors and the difect remains; it is about half stop from the center to the four borders. I also called by phone a big shop here in Italy: They know the problem! They told me that this is a well knowed defect, very common also to other type of enlargers. For the Magnifax 4, they suggest me to reduce the distance from the lamp to the condenser. I need to make this a little bit of time because the enlager has not a regulation in this sense, so I must take off my tools...I'll write again with other news! Many thanks to everybody.
(posted 8440 days ago)

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