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Public Answer to Ben Jos

from Lagavulin (darre@noos.fr)
The words in question were public ( public meeting on #marp ), so the answer will be public. I read some lines by Ben Jos about me and I'm really disappointed. Ben Jos seems to think I have chosen some games to give an advantage to Phil Lamat. No doubt that the 3 games I chose for the k2 ( Ant Eater, Goal!Goal!Goal! , Snap Jack ) were games for which Phil had already a score in the Top 3. Phil and I are friends, and when I like a game, I talk to him about it and he often ( always ? ) plays it. More, we have certainly similar tastes for games. So, what's your point ? It was difficult ( impossible ? ) to choose games I like but for which Phil hadn't a score. To conclude about that, it's clear I never thought a second to give an advantage to Phil in this tournament. I had been honest from the beginning to the end, and when I see the acknowledgement received by the winner of our tournament, it's difficult to accept it. The most disappointing fact, Ben Jos, is that I often talk to you on #marp during the tournament, always in kind words. You never frankly complained about that at this moment, so why doing that now several months after, in a public meeting, and without speaking about that to me before ? That's a disgusting behaviour.


(posted 8534 days ago)

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