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Response to 35mm equals 6x7!

from Ryuji Suzuki (rsuzuki@rs.cncdsl.com)
John, thanks for your comment.

So do you mean that Delta 400 pushes to EI 800 just as well as HP5+ does? My idiot camera film has been HP5+ developed in ID-11 1+1 or sometimes Microphen 1+1, but it sounds like Delta 400 is just as good for such a purpose now?

Also, what's special about Ilfosol-S? Now you are using it for pushing films and processing Delta 3200. It it really suited for such a job, compared to your (used to be?) favourite D-76H and Microphen?

I usually prefer chemicals whose formulae are published and I know what's in it, but if Ilfosol-S is so special, I might try it some day. (Some people say it's not phenidone but ascorbate formula, some say phenidone is in it but it's such a small amount that it is not listed in MSDS, etc.)

(posted 8339 days ago)

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