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Response to 35mm equals 6x7!

from Tim Nelson (timothy.nelson@yale.edu)
John, How does the new Delta 400 do with shadow detail at EI 400? I'm used to the good shadow detail that TriX provides, but since I switched to XTOL a year ago, my big enlargements don't seem to have the crispness that they used to (in HC110B). I could just return to HC110, of course, but I like the tonal smoothness that XTOL (1:1) provides. However, I am potentially interested in D400. I gave APX400 a try, at the suggestion of John Browlow. It does have a tighter grain structure in XTOL, but the shadows are just too weak for conventional printing (he loves it for the way it scans). It seems to be a curve-shape problem rather than underexposure, at least in my hands. How does D400 compare to TriX rated normally, in your opinion? Thanks!
(posted 8431 days ago)

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