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Response to Rodinal, Rodinal, where for art thou, Rodinal?

from Volker Schier (Volker.Schier@fen-net.de)
Actually you can, although not from the US and you must not even order from Cuba. There are several photo dealers in Europe who will be glad to supply it. Since the bottle for Rodinal has a European shipping approval it can be sent to the US without hazard surcharge. One dealer I can recommend is Fotoimpex in Berlin. You will have to check with other dealers if they export out of the EU. Some do not, such as Brenner. Fotoimpex has AGFA Rodinal and classic Rodinal under the name "Classic F09". Since you will not have to pay the high European value added tax the price should be very moderate.
(posted 8426 days ago)

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