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Response to selective selenium intensification

from Doremus Scudder (ScudderLandreth@compuserve.com)
Ann, I've used selective intensification with selenium toner as described with great results. I use either a spotting brush or cotton swab depending on the size of the area to be intensified. Care is needed not to intensify surrounding dense areas as this creats a halo around the intensified area. Sometimes I even work with a dry neg. I usually have a duplicate negative to intensify so if any damage occurs I at least have one left to either print as is or try again.

Since I now develop most of my work in pyro, I intensify in this manner much less. It seems that the selenium toner effectively removes some or all of the pyro stain from the negative thereby reducing or cancelling any intensifying effects. Has anyone else experienced this?

Regards, ;^D)

(posted 8335 days ago)

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