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Response to Fuji Neopan 1600 real speed?

from Xavier Colmant (xcolmant@powerir.com)
Thanks Russel, but I'm surprised also at your EI 160. It seems pretty low, even with Rodinal... Thanks also Bill. EI 640 is also the number given in the 'Darkroom cookbook' where D-76 was also probably used to come with this number. In short, I'm disappointed by the speed of this film. Basically I was looking for a traditional film faster than 400 asa. I love TRI-X pushed in D-76, but it does not work well with all subjects... Anyway I will give Neopan 1600 at 640 a try and see what I get. Again, thanks for the feedback to all.
(posted 8425 days ago)

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