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Response to The cheek of it - recvd advert for cheap repo's at work!

from roger watts (rwatts.homeloans@virgin.net)
lets not get hysterical folks.If houses are left empty it blights the surounding area and attracts squatter junkies etc.the houses have to be sold and are often left in a state that an estate agen will not take them on.Realisticly houses are as cheap as chips in certain northern areas and they arn't all repos.a repo in the south or s.e will fetch market value at auction.in the ne and manch liverpoll etc they will still go for 6-8k .Remember the longer the property sits the less it is worth and the debt is mounting.I feelas strongly about companies methods as any one but we have to accept a free market place or every one must rent.As a recruit to the this business 20 plus years ago, my then boss and now friend said'money is the filthiest business in the world,but never take it personally'I never forget those words and neither should you all.
(posted 8265 days ago)

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