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Acros 135 in Rodinal? Acros EI?

from Idan Gazit (id@panix.com)
Hey all,

Just picked up my first rolls of acros at adorama. Going to start shooting soon, but I can't find info on developing acros in rodinal at any dilution. Theres a listing on agfa australia's website citing "neopan 100" but I think that means the older 100ss version. I'm shooting 35mm and developing in small (1-2 roll handtanks).

What to rate acros? And for a given rating...

Developing in rodinal:

1. Dilution 2. Time 3. Temp 4. Inversion (secs/min, # of inversions...)

And any other tidbits you think might be useful. I've heared a lot of good about this film, but there's no listing for rodinal on the massive dev chart or at Ed Buffaloe's site (nice site, BTW -- you've been a great help so far :) ).



(posted 8406 days ago)

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