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Please read this if you think your lender manipulated the 'six year code' in your case.

from E Scott (eleanor.scott@btinternet.com)
Sorry about the not-very-snappy subject line, but I would appreciate a couple of people volunteering to speak with a broadsheet journalist who is looking into this issue for a story. You don't have to have your identity revealed, just be a 'case study'. The article will look at the ways in which the lenders get around 'making contact' (and pretending that this is 'beginning proceedings!) within the six-year period of their voluntary code, by sending letters to old/incorrect addresses and claiming that this constitues 'contact'. We already have some good evidence that lenders can and do screw up address data (and cover it up), so the more the merrier.

There is also some evidence that lenders may simply claim to have sent a letter to an old address, whilst not actually having sent it.

Thanks. Please email me privately for further information. All best.

(posted 8249 days ago)

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