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Response to Using butane gas to preserve solutions?

from richard ilomaki (richardjx@hotmail.com)
What happens when you lose your marbles? You use a flammable gas for a purpose it was not intended for without proper safeguards.

As a professional Fire Portection Engineer, I can only support the other comments about the cost of a new face and house and possibly a funeral against the cost of a few 100 cc of developer. Not only is the gas flammable, but intoxicting, and can potentially cause liver damage, just like sniffing glue.

Marbles are good, as are foamed polystyrene peanuts used in packaging, as they fill up the airspace above the liquid and exclude Oxygen.

I use Ilford HC poured into 30 ml film containers, then freeze them. When I need a litre of developer, I pop one of the film containers of gelled developer out of the freezer into 970 ml of water and in 2 minutes have a nice fresh developer solution of the corrrect strength. The dilution can be controlled to achieve whatever concentration you need.


(posted 8294 days ago)

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