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Response to 2 bath processing with normal developers

from Charlie Strack (charlie_strack@sti.com)
Kodak stopped usling the name "Kodalk" quite a few years ago, and now refers to it as "Balanced Alkalai". It is indeed sodium metaborate.

It sounds like you might like divided D23 or divided D76. I suggest you buy the Film Developing Cookbook for more information on divided (2-bath) developers.

In the US, Photographer's Formulary (http://www.photoformulary.com/) sells kits for divided D-76, as well as bulk chemicals in small quantities. Sodium metaborate is $2.50 for 10g, 3.25 for 100g, and 5.95 for 1 pound. With shipping, no real sense in ordering less than 1 pound, unless you are really strapped for cash.

(posted 8292 days ago)

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