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Response to About the br's score of Rainbow Islands

from Francois Daniel (francois-daniel@libertsurf.fr)
Yes, I refferring your recording, Barry. OK, you can use the code for continue after the 5th or 6th island, but I think we musn't use the one who transform all hidden items on 10K bags. But, I see the record of Essekappa and he didn't use this code for make his 18M score.

I've another question. I'm a recent Marp user, and who is Hisa ? It seem he's a great player who didn't let his great scores too long in marp. But why ? If he made great score, I've the motivation for try to beat him. And, he'll be a great opponent to BBH (and later for my friend David Constant who have just buy his first PC, see him in the Olympiads).

François Daniel

(posted 8470 days ago)

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