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Response to A question regarding the forum maintainer's duties.

from Melvin (bramley@nanaimo.ark.com)
I have not read the post to which all the fuss is about. However I do believe that nothing needs to change on this forum. It is well maintained, has good questions & responses. On occasion many of us go 'brain dead' & cannot see the wood for the trees!! I am as guilty of that as anyone else. Please be tolerant of 'silly questions'. A little helping hand may help someone grasp a subject that they are having a problem with. From a response the veil may be lifted; a 's!!t I should have known that' may be uttered & an enlightened fellow photographer will go forward enjoying the craft. We are not all brain surgeons or master craftsmen & have other thing on our minds besides photography. Nowadays photo clubs seem few & far between so it is difficult to ask casual questions & get a casual response. We have therefore to rely on the biggest photo club around (LUSENET) to offer our silly & not so silly questions.
(posted 8276 days ago)

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