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Response to A question regarding the forum maintainer's duties.

from Jim Rock (jameswrock@aol.com)

You do a great job. I have read the thread in question, but did not read the item that was deleted. I assume you used your judgement as the moderator in order to keep this forum civil. I sure you get criticism anytime you do this, but that is why you get paid the big bucks as the moderator. I can't imagine how the item you deleted affects the "integrity" of this forum.

I consider myself an serious amatuer photographer. I have just set up my own darkroom after using community facilities, and have enjoyed experimenting with my new setup. During this process, and in the last four years during which I have gotten into photography, I am sure I have asked a lot of questions that seemed stupid to others (and which now would even seem stupid to me). But the graciousness of others, including people in this forum, in sharing their experiences and information with me in an understandable way has made me a much better photographer and printer. I do usually seach books, the web and other information first (most of my initial knowledge came from trial and error and books rather than someone telling me what I needed to know). But it is amazing how much confusing and contradictory information is out there. So it is nice to have a forum like this where we can draw on the experience of others to address direct and specific questions (even if sometimes answers here are inconsistent or contradictory).

Yes, some of the postings are overly simple and perhaps inappropriate. But I would hate to have a situation where I or anyone else feels uncomfortable asking a questions for fear of being called or insinuated to be a moron. If someone doesn't like a question, don't post a response. Or be a little more civil in saying that the person should do a little basic homework. Frankly, when I see a stupid question and an overly harsh response, the responder is usually the one who looks more foolish.

I do have one specific suggestion. Above "New Questions," would it be possible to post a link called something like "How To Use Archives" that explains the wealth of information that can be obtained from this exercise? I know that I did not appreciate this feature the first few times I visited these forums.

(posted 8278 days ago)

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