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Response to Kodalith Ortho

from mark taylor (m.taylor@sheffield.ac.uk)
In about 1988 or 1989 I got continuious tone image from 35mm Kodalith.

I exposed at 6 ASA, and developed for approx 20 mins in highly diluted Paterson Acuspecial developer (sadly no longer available).

The results were astonishingly sharp, definitely sharper than technical pan. grain was literally non-existent and sharpness excellent at 75x enlargements - yes thats a 6 foot by 4 foot print! I did not have the ability to enlarge any further, but I reckon that further enlargement would have been possible!

It took several failures to get the details correct - you have to get a suitable low-contrast developer, then experiment to get the correct exposure, and possibly also the correct dilution of developer if you need to reduce contrast further than standard dilutions give. You have to experiment because you need to not just reduce contrast, but also make tonal range as big as possible. The tonal range I got was not great but certainly useable.

Providing you are willing to experiment without getting disheartened by failures, and are meticulous in keeping notes, then it should be possible - don't believe those who tell you it will be impossible! (if you don't keep *exact* notes you *will* get confused, believe me!)

If you are interested in seeing a small scan of an example shot (with a comparison with tech pan taken at the same), email me & I can send you one.

if you do manage to locate a suitable developer, please let me know, in case I decide try again myself.

PS - I have also emailed you directly - I hope you don't mind.

regards, mark.

(posted 8256 days ago)

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