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Response to Neopan 1600 in PMK?

from john stockdale (jo.sto@bigpond.com)
No, Ted, I haven't tried new Delta 400 yet.

Bill, not quite yet. One of the posters above mentioned the published curves for Neopan 1600 on the Fuji web site. (www.fujifilm.com then >professional film>b&w)

I compared the curves for Neopan 400 to Neopan 1600. It appears that the 1600 film is 2/3 of one stop faster than the Neopan 400 if you measure it by foot speed, i.e. around Zone 1. The film seems to be optimised for pushing: you will see that the contrast rolls off at higher densities, making it ideal for pushing without blowing out highlights.

Now I have found Neopan 400 to be about 160 in PMK. This seems very low, but I've found HP5+ in PMK to be significantly faster (no measurements but much denser for the same exposure, same subject, same day- not very scientific but the difference was obvious)

This might lead me to expect neopan 1600 in PMK to be about 160 + 2/3 stop = 250 which is equal to or slower than HP5+ in PMK. So I wouldn't choose it for speed. I probably wouldn't choose it for other general photography unless I wanted to control (reduce) highlight contrast.

Having said that, I have a roll and I've just finished my annual tax ritual and consequently feel somewhat energized. So I'll try it in the next few days on a wide range of subjects and see how it goes. I'll set its speed at 650 and do + and - 1 stop bracketting.

I'll let you know how it goes.

(posted 8171 days ago)

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