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Jobo, TMX, 4 x 5, streaks!

from Mark Wiens (mark@wiens.com)
I am getting streaks on my TMX 100 4 x 5's. Here's what I'm doing....

using a Jobo 2583 drum with 2509n reels - not using the black "wing" attachments - loading the film, emulsion side out - sometimes 4 sheets per reel and sometimes 5 or 6

I have tried TMAX RS and XTOL. I have done a prewash of water for 5 minutes in the Jobo and I have done it without for the RS. I read somewhere (I think it was on jobo.com) that it says not to do a prewash when using XTOL, so I have not. I do the RS 1+9 75F for 10 minutes. XTOL 1+1 68F 7-something minutes.

After the developer, I use Kodak indicator stop bath for a minute or so. Then Kodak fixer or Ilford rapid fixer with hardener for 8 minutes.

I do 4 5-minute washes with water in the Jobo then soak them in Photo-Flo 200 for about a minute per sheet. I run the negs under the facet front and back for maybe 5 seconds then hang from one corner.

We do have hard water where I live, but we also use a water softener.

The streaks are more noticable in the sky and clouds of the shots. If it's a horizontal shot, the streaks are vertical, and vice versa. When using the XTOL, the streaks looked like water runs, but were at least a half stop difference. Unfortunately, I'm waiting for a lensboard for my camera, so I can't shoot a bunch of tests right now.

Does the emulsion being on the inside or out make a difference? Should I use distilled water for my presoak, mixing developer, diluting stop bath, fix, etc?

(posted 8324 days ago)

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