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Response to how many film tanks got busted?

from Ryuji Suzuki (rsuzuki@rs.cncdsl.com)
John, I never lift weights, and my Mamiya 6 and Manfrotto tripod are not nearly as heavy as LF equipment...

John and Melvin, so, you both think I'm tapping too hard? I've seen John Hicks saying "bang" instead, so mine would be something like bang!!! (each ! means one stop push)

Ted, I don't want to get into plastic vs. SS argument. I think Mac vs. PC one is silly because I use neither one of them, but this time I use both. Good 120 SS reel is easy to load quickly, but it's also easy to make creasing mark especially with flimsy films.

One complaint I have about Paterson reel (besides one I asked here a little back) is that HP5+ is somehow much easier to get stuck than TMX. Leaving it stationary for 5 seconds often fixes though.

(posted 8189 days ago)

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