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Response to Glass plate negatives

from DK Thompson (kthompson@moh.dcr.state.nc.us)
Melvin, are you sure these are glass negs you're talking about and not something else? An old glass neg wouldn't necessarily have backing on it....your description of a dark grey/chalky coating fits in with an ambrotype....it's hard to say without seeing the images, but my advice would be to try to contact a state or local archive, or historical society in your area...even a public library if they have a special collections room or genealogy wing. I work in a state history museum and we give conservation consultation on objects (furniture, textiles mostly) to the public, but with old photos, particularly glass plates & cased images, my advice would be to contact a conservator or an archivist at the least....if it is an ambrotype, or even a glass plate with flaking or chipped emuslion, there's very little that you can or -should- do....seek professional help. Feel free to contact me offline if you need any help, I'm not a photo conservator, but good luck either way....
(posted 8190 days ago)

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