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N+ vs. N w/ higher contrast filter

from Ted Kaufman (writercrmp@aol.com)
We all know that by using the Zone System with N+ and N- controls we can squeeze or expand a given scene's tonal values to suit our visualization or place those tones within the practical limits of a given film. Now, clearly, with N- processing this is a very useful tool, and I have successfully used as much as N-5 in extreme situations, where normal processing would have produced a hidious result.

However, with the exception of extremely flat scenes, where great expansion is desired, do any of you bother with N+1 or N+2? From my experience it's a lot easier to simply develop normally and use a higher filter number. Naturally, if one needed to exceed N+2 or N+3, extended processing might be necessary. But for uses within the range of, say, N+2 what advantage is there to extended processing for increasing contrast?

Obviously, with extended processing there is a loss of sharpness and resolution of fine detail and grain tends to clump and soften. So why not simply develop "N" and use a higher contrast filter when printing. Grain will increase with a higher contrast filter, true, but not with the attendent loss of image quality that push processing imposes. Would AA have used N+2 if he had a #5 filter available?

(posted 8177 days ago)

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